
Providing educational and missional opportunities.

About Music Camp

~ creating uplifting Christian musicĀ 

Aims and Goals of Camp

Our first and highest aim for Music Camp is to provide an atmosphere for learning and growth. We believe that each individual has huge potential and aim to provide an environment where youth can begin to realise that potential in Christ.

We aim to provide a camp environment most favourable to spiritual growth. Participants at camp are encouraged with personal morning devotions, group sharing (morning & evening), Deep Bible Study class and Campfire time. Some of our camp codes and policies exist purely for this purpose: to not create a distraction-free environment so we can connect with God and be encouraged by spiritual friends and mentors.

Music Camp aims to improve the musical skills of particpants through choral and orchestral workshops / rehearsals and provide an opportunity to share our talents through local concerts and music video productions.

Music Production

One of our main goals is to reach out to others through professional music video productions and concerts. We will aim to film around 4 songs during the two weeks, and conduct two concerts in local churches. The videos may be watched by thousands of people around the world on YouTube, Satellite TV and free-to-air stations.




December 29 2024 -

January 12 2025


Bethshan Camp

& Conference Centre

70 Wyee Road,

Wyee, NSW 2259



Applications opening soon!

Expressions of Interest

Submit Form

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Camp Structure

Music Camp caters for a very broad age range of 12 - 30yrs. Participants under the age of 18 will be under the full supervision of assigned youth leaders (18+). Attendees will be divided into units or teams of 6-8 participants + youth leaders. 

The daily schedule starts at around 6am with morning devotions, showers and unit sharing. This is followed by a hearty breakfast, lodging cleanup, an exercise routine and Deep Bible Study. The rest of the day is devoted to music rehearsals, workshops and voice/instrumental recordings during the first week, and filming production during the second week. 

The evenings can be spent practicing parts, in sectionals, and participating in some of the organised evening activities. During campfire time, all of camp unites together in song and in contemplation of God's love through singing and a devotional message.

Common Q&As

What Do I Need to Bring?

Please refer to the camp handbook (on the application form) for a full list of things to bring. Some of the most important are:

  • Suitable Clothes 
  • Bedding (sheet, sleeping bag, pillow etc.)
  • Musical Instruments
  • Bible
  • Writing Material

If I am under 12 or over 30, can I still come?

We sometimes make exceptions, please contact us.


What is the food Like?

Camp food is delicious! 100% plant-based. A main breakfast, lunch and light tea is provided each day.


Do we have to stay in tents?

No, not at this stage :). The venue provides dormitory-style accommodation.


Who will I room with?

If your parents are at camp as staff or guests, you can be roomed together with your parents. Otherwise, you will stay with your unit in a dormitory room.


What about electronic devices?

Electronic devices are one of those things we limit so we can have a 'distraction-free' environment to focus on the musical training and on connecting with God.

Mobile phones are allowed for participants 18+.


What about the dress code?

Be sure to bring plenty of clothes suiatble to the season. Skimpy / revealing clothes, sleeveless tops, low necklines, and short garments (above the knee) aren't allowed in the dress code. Girls should wear skirts or dresses and long-pants or shorts (for boys) that reach below the knee. See the camp handbook for more info.


I don't play any instruments!

That's fine! Willingness to sing in the choir is the main pre-requisite. You can be in involved in every song as part of the choir.


What about non-orchestral instruments?

We're always open to something a little different. Let us know what you have and we'll see if it fits! Some things like drums, or electric guitars don't really work in this genre.


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