
Providing educational and missional opportunities.

Music Camp 2018

Take a peak inside Music Camp 2018, themed Heaven

The two weeks were a compelling experience. Campers and staff gained new outlooks on life and heard Christ saying, “Behold, I come quickly.” Many went home rejoicing with a newly found Christian walk, desiring to serve God wholeheartedly.

It was "the best experience"


“The person I am today is completely different to the person I was when I arrived at camp... I’m wanting to read my Bible every day and pray and share with others what the Lord has been blessing me with!

I am forever grateful to the Music Camp 2018 staff and participants for making me feel loved and accepted and ultimately giving me the best experience they could during camp!”

- Kayma-Ree

Helped me reset my goals


“Camp is always a blessing to attend. It has strengthened my walk with God, helped me reset my goals and encouraged me to keep persevering on the heavenward path.

Music Camp isn't all about music, it is a camp where God is at the heart of everything that we do.”

- Gladys

...a complete change in my child!

“...added to their safe return is a complete change in my child. [They are] on fire for the Lord...! The ministry you and your team are devoting yourselves to is indeed a life saving, life changing experience that teenagers/youth need at the 'rebellious' years of their life. I am writing to thank you all for awakening a love for the Lord in my child. Something that unfortunately they will not always take from their mother. The joy I have in my heart literally spilled out as tears of joy listening to the stories.”

"...now [they are] wanting to be baptised"

- a happy mother

No Night There

Filmed next to Still Creek at Crosslands Youth and Convention Centre

There… In Heaven… There is no night! Oh glorious day.

Hidden agents

Though hidden behind mountains the sun's fading rays lit this cloud!

On Friday in week one, a camper shared that they had prayed their first personal prayer since early childhood. Music Camp's highest purpose is to provide a spiritual atmosphere favorable for personal growth.

The wind blows wherever it will, and you hear the sound it makes, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit. - John 3:8 NET

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First Sabbath at camp

Sabbath morning dawned bright and clear. It was the end of the first week at Music Camp 2018 and a day of rest from thorough rehearsals and training.

A hike to the cliffs, enthusiastic singing, testimonies, more enthusiastic singing, observing Revelation 21 in Sabbath School, guest preacher Colin Hone on how the gospel will be taken to the world, haystacks for lunch, a concert at Stanmore Seventh-day Adventist Church, then another at Wahroonga Church - with a freeway tour of Sydney in between!

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Exercise and practical skills

High intensity exercise class has been a popular new option this Music Camp!

Campers have also learnt practical skills in first aid, writing, web development, bush survival and skin balm and candle making.

“God's faithful people have always been aggressive missionaries, consecrating their resources to the honor of His name and wisely using their talents in His service.” - Acts of the Apostles p. 109

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14 days worth of personal devotions and prayer. Five deep Bible study workshops on the seven seals of Revelation - plus homework. Evening meetings on committing to a faithful God. Practical skills classes and high-intensity exercise sessions. Literature evangelism. Filming five music videos and giving three concerts.

Music Camp aimed to support personal spiritual growth through all this time together. Praise God for His mighty working!

Filming at Location #4

Filming When We All Get to Heaven at Somersby Falls

Lyndell and Tom

Lyndell and Tom practising woodwind parts

3 Comment(s)

Lillee Sawyer 6 years ago   -   February 13, 2019 at 5:13 pm

Although I haven't been to camp before, this confirms that I must got this year! Everything sounds amazing!

Jylan 6 years ago   -   July 28, 2018 at 8:15 pm

This camp was special. Highlight of my year, I'd say. Thanks all for bringing awesome attitudes and making the two weeks what they were.

Emily Sawyer 6 years ago   -   July 27, 2018 at 7:16 pm

Very glad to hear that camp was a huge blessing to the young people this year. Wish I could have gone again!

View all photos from Music Camp 2018 ยป

Thoughts from participants



Mysteries in the Bible

My great experience at Music Camp is to hear the mysteries in the Bible specially about the signs of the times and the events that which to come and that are happening in our world right now. Learning how to prepare of our Lord Jesus Christ's second coming was eye-opening while I was listening.

I also learned to give up the things that I'm holding into this world from the person I was before to the person I am now. It's completely life changing. The Campfire message was life changing, hearing everyone's testimony about their obstacles in life was emotional and how they have accomplish it by the word of God.

The spiritual lesson that I've learnt from camp will have a massive Impact through every young people not only they will learn it but to live it by heart. 'Twas a blessing meeting all the lovely people that became my family in Christ, I miss you all.

“But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” - Mathew 4:4 KJV.

God will take care of you! See you next year... God bless.

- Randel



Inspired to memorise scripture

I was truly blessed by Music Camp 2018. The Campfire messages and the Deep Bible studies were both challenging and inspiring.

I really want to grow closer to God every day, and not get swept away by national flow. I am going to spend more time memorising scripture (grab a verse learn it, love it, and live it).

The testimony time on Friday night was AMAZING!! So many lives changed. This was my fourth time coming to camp, and I think this year was the best one yet! THANK-YOU!

Music- Lyndell



A great environment

Music Camp was a great blessing. I would highly recommend music camp to anyone who is wanting to draw closer to God.

I think that going to this camp has changed me in many positive ways. It is a great environment to socialise with friends that are encouraging and supportive.

I loved the songs we recorded and the filming locations we went to. God willing I will be there next year!

- Bethany



Every camp seems better

Camp was a big blessing to me! At first I didn’t want to come, but I ended up coming. Every music [camp] seems better than the last one, and every time I come away closer to God and blessed.

- Matthew

Inspired to make the most of time

Camp has really helped me in both my spiritual walk and my music. Before I came to camp, I didn't really have a personal connection with God as I only did my devotions when I had time, and even then, I would only spend about 5 minutes. Meeting the people at camp who did their devotions for 30 minutes each day even when they didn't have the time really inspired me to be more consistent in my walk with God and spend more time with Him.

Another thing that I found out after coming to camp was that there were many people that were really talented in violin and piano while doing academic studies. I was really impressed that they could manage their time so well so it caused me to put more effort into practicing and work harder towards the certificates in each instrument.

- Abbie

The essence of music, friends and Christianity

For the three years I have been attending music camp, it has always been a huge blessing for me. This two week camp perfectly encapsulates the essence of true music, friends and Christianity. It's a honour and a privilege to be able to participate in singing/playing inspiring songs with beautiful people - to glorify God. This camp helps me to re-prioritise and establish a deeper connection with Him, and has made me long for heaven where we'll all be together and make music for eternity.

- Abby

What can I do for others?

Music Camp 2018 has been really inspiring to me! When I first arrived on campus I came thinking about how to have the most fun and the least amount of Deep Bible Study, but I left thinking about what I could do for others and how to help my family. The change in my thinking came when I gave my heart to God at a Friday night 'Testimony Time'. So if you're thinking about coming to Music Camp, I highly recommend it because it changed my life forever!

- Olivia



The power of prayer

This year was a real blessing to me in many different ways!! I really enjoyed Liesl's talk on the power of prayer, and how to be on fire for God to help win souls for his kingdom. This year I was thinking of not coming, but i'm glad I came!!

- Rachel



Hugely spiritually uplifted

Once again I can’t express how much I’ve been blessed by the music camp this year! As always I’ve come away hugely spiritually uplifted and challenged to stand strong for God and to make reaching others for Christ a priority in my life.

The changes that I’ve witnessed not only in my own life but also in the lives of the amazing group of friends I’ve made have been amazing - a definite miracle! Not only that but the music was absolutely amazing and the food was out of this world!

- Nadya



More than the music

Music Camp is about seeing lives changed. It is about having an open, safe, secure place to share and grow; about worldly things becoming unattractive for people; and about going home ready to put into practise the decisions made. This is what I took away from Music Camp 2018!

- Shanna



Can't wait until next year

My experience for Music Camp was awesome. It has made such a big impact and change in my attitude a lot since the day I came. The Campfires were really inspiring.

Deep Bible Study has shown me what the 7 seals were and what they meant. These two weeks were the best of my life. Canvassing was the best experience and I really enjoyed it very much.

Over all I just loved the environment and all the people was so caring and loving. Can't wait to see you all God willing next year.

- Serah



Thank you for making Music Camp such a blessing

Dear Music Camp Team, I would like to say thank you to everyone who helped make Music Camp 2018 such a wonderful experience. Each year I come I meet new people, and do new activities that make Music Camp all the more of a blessing.

I found the orchestra rehearsals and all the wonderful music that we played, a really fun part of camp. I especially enjoyed campfire and all the messages that were shared. I loved all the filming locations, and trust that all the music videos will turn out great.

So thank you for making Music Camp such a blessing for me.

- Chantelle

Read more testimonies from 2016 or 2017 »

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Music Camp Group Shot, Location #3

Group photo after filming Watch Ye Saints in Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park

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