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Lord, send me anywhere, Only go with me;
Lay any burden on me, Only sustain me.
Sever any tie, Save the tie that binds me to Thy heart—
Lord Jesus, my King, I consecrate my life, Lord, to Thee.
Oh for one glimpse of God's great love! May our souls be filled, captivated and constrained by that love, so that we would pour out our life for the salvation of the lost.
"I have seen, at different times, the smoke of a thousand villages—villages whose people are without Christ, without God, and without hope in the world ... The smoke of a thousand villages ... The smoke of a thousand villages." - Robert Moffat, Missionary to Africa
David Livingstone, 1813 - 1973
Frank Garlock, 1930 -
Faye Springer Lopez, 1955 -
© Copyright 1987 by Majesty Music
All rights reserved.
Used with permission.
Liesl Scheman
Filmed at Comboyne, NSW, Australia at the 2015 Music Camp. Run by Eastward Missionary College.